<div id="components-demo">
Vue.component('button-counter', {
data: function () {
return {
count: 0
template: '<button @click="count++">You clicked me {{ count }}
new Vue({
el: '#components-demo'
- 组件化通信
1. 通过 Prop 向子组件传递数据
Prop 是你可以在组件上注册的一些自定义特性。当一个值传递给一个 prop 特性的时候,它就变成了那个组件实例的一个属性。一个组件默认可以拥有任意数量的 prop,任何值都可以传递给任何 prop。
<div id="blog-post-demo">
v-for="post in posts"
Vue.component('blog-post', {
props: ['title'],
template: '<h3>{{ title }}</h3>'
new Vue({
el: '#blog-post-demo',
data: {
posts: [
{ id: 1, title: 'My journey with Vue' },
{ id: 2, title: 'Blogging with Vue' },
{ id: 3, title: 'Why Vue is so fun' }
2. 监听子组件事件
子组件可以通过调用内建的 $emit
方法 并传入事件名称来触发一个事件
<div id="blog-posts-events-demo">
<div :style="{ fontSize: postFontSize + 'em' }">
v-for="post in posts"
@enlarge-text="postFontSize += 0.1"
Vue.component('blog-post', {
props: ['post'],
template: `
<div class="blog-post">
<h3>{{ post.title }}</h3>
<button @click="$emit('enlarge-text')">
Enlarge text
<div v-html="post.content"></div>
new Vue({
el: '#blog-posts-events-demo',
data: {
posts: [
{id: 0, title: "My journey with Vue", content: "...content..."},
{id: 0, title: "Blogging with Vue", content: "...content..."},
{id: 0, title: "Why Vue is so fun", content: "...content..."}
postFontSize: 1
- provide & inject
1. 定义父组件
<div id="blog-posts-events-demo">
new Vue({
el: '#blog-posts-events-demo',
provide() {
return {
message: "parent"
2. 定义子组件 first
Vue.component('first', {
template: `
<div class="blog-post">
inject: ['message']
3. 定义子组件second
Vue.component('second', {
template: `
<div class="blog-post">
inject: ['message']
- element-ui 组件库
- 实现表单验证组件